Nassau Gymnastics is a non profit organization that started it's roots in the eastern end of the island of New Providence in the early 1990s. The gym was started by the late Barbara Jean Thompson and a small group of parents in the St. Andrews School Auditorium. In 1995 Nassau Nastics was relocated to it's current location in the Oakesfield Shopping Center with the intent to make gymnastics more centrally located and accessible to the broader Bahamian community. Since this strategic move and through the continued benevolence of Barbara Thompson, Nassau Nastics succeeded in offering scholarship opportunities to many young Bahamian boys and girls who also shared a passion for gymnastics. This generosity was extended to any child who walked through the gym's doors with a burning passion in their heart, and no child was ever turned away. Partial scholarships were also offered to families who struggled to pay regular gym fees in order to keep them in the gym through hard times.
With the passing of Barbara Thompson in 2018 Nassau Nastics has struggled to continue to offer scholarships to it's members and would like to welcome any benevolent persons or community minded organizations who would like to assist in keeping the legacy of Barbara Thompson alive!